诗昆论坛【诗昆艺苑】【快雨堂】 → [分享]1984—1994年十年期间的最佳歌曲--all that she wants


主题:[分享]1984—1994年十年期间的最佳歌曲--all that she wants

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[分享]1984—1994年十年期间的最佳歌曲--all that she wants  发帖心情 Post By:2005/7/25 6:16:29 [只看该作者]

Ace Of Base(爱司基地)被称为90年代欧洲歌坛最富有传奇色彩的流行组合!歌迷都戏称他们是瑞典的国宝级流行组合。这是一个兄妹组合,由Jenny、Jonas、Linn Berggren和他们和家庭好友Ulf Ekberg组成。在过去十年中,Ace Of Base一共卖出了3000万张专辑和1500万张单曲,他们的歌曲在世界各地的排行样上都曾达到首位,他们的音乐节奏独具特色,交融有雷鬼、迪斯科与欧洲电子音乐,加上轻松上口的歌词,营造出的欢愉气氛特别适合Party和迪斯科舞厅,以致于称霸全球流行音乐,让世人传唱。

欧洲榜的编辑者,欧洲贸易杂志《Music & media》宣称“All That She Want”是1984—1994年十年期间的最佳歌曲。Ace Of Base的家乡Gotthenburg授予他们荣誉市民的称号。

Ace Of Base--All That She Wants 下载

She leads a lonely life She leads a lonely life When she woke up late in the morning light And the day had just begun She opened up her eyes and thought Oh what a morning It's not a day for work It's a day for catching tan Just laying on the beach and having fun She's goning to get you All that she wants is another baby She's gone tomorrow boy All that she wants is another baby All that she wants is another baby She's gone tomorrow boy All that she wants is another baby All that she wants - all that she wants So if you are in sight and the day is right She's the hunter you're the fox The gentle voice that talks to you won't talk forever It is a night for passion But the morning means goodbye Beware of what is flashing in her eyes She's going to get you All that she wants... 背景音乐
